Friday, December 18, 2009

Running Ahead of God!

Isn't it odd how we seem to pray as if everything depends upon God but the moment we say "Amen" we act as if it all depends on us? I have always preached that God answers all prayers. The answer can be "Yes!", "No!" or "Not Now!". I suppose that we are not that far removed from our actions and emotions as children. You know, "I want it! and I want it NOW!"

We all have a tendency to forget that Our Heavenly Father knows best. Perhaps I should say I have that tendency. The work in the vineyard here in Paso Robles has certainly been filled with periods of joy, frustration, elation and discourage-ment. It is hard at times to hold on to the truth that God is always dancing in the shadows. He knows not only what we need but WHEN we need it. He knows when the ground has been properly prepared and is ready for planting and will yield the crop that will glorify Him.

We are overjoyed that our Father has been patient with us and that we now find ourselves overwhelmed by His blessings. In recent weeks we have seen an increase in attendance. A number of families are visiting with us and if their compliments, smiles and attendance at all functions of the church are any indication of their desire to be part of this body...then we say "Praise God!" A number of families with children from 18 months to 11 years old have indicated that this is exactly what they have been hungering for. A place with conviction and a people dedicated to the Word of God. We have other families that we find ourselves engaged in Bible Study who are making that journey of "knowing the way of the Lord more perfectly". We ask you to rejoice with us for this is an extension of your love and ministry. Thank you for your support and prayers.

We are saddened that our plans to travel to Woodinville, WA needed to be changed. We were so looking forward to seeing our brethren and enjoying the family. Our pet miniature schnauzer, Schatzi, is struggling and we just hope she will make it through the holidays. She is still eating. Appears to be in little or no pain but has lost 25% of her body weight and is growing more feeble day by day. She has been and is a joy to our lives. Even weakened and blind she still insists in trying to fetch the newspaper every morning. Keep us all in your prayers at this time.

We could not end this posting without wishing each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Remember your prayers are coveted and your visits welcomed. We love you all with the Love of the Lord.

In HIS Service,
Steve & Cheryl