Thursday, September 24, 2009

A quick update

Just a quick few lines to let you know that all is well. The church continues to struggle through the challenges of the California economy. Many of our members, neighbors and friends work for the state and have been severely impacted. We seem to have had a lot of people relocating because of work related issues. We just learned today that we will be losing another family of five as they relocate in order to have jobs to sustain the family.

On the brighter side we are being blessed with a couple from Bakersfield who have found employment in Paso Robles. They are strong church members and have been intimately involved in the outreach ministry for the congregations they have been involved with over the years. They are just approaching age 55 and bring a strong level of maturity with them. We, selfishly, look forward to the fellowship of someone who still remembers vinyl record albums.

We have been praying for years that the Lord open up the door to enable us to reach out to the Hispanic community in Paso Robles. We had no idea that He was preparing someone to serve as an stimulus and encouragement to proceed ahead. While we were trying to persuade others to come, The Lord sent someone from Paso Robles to Southern California to hear the Gospel, be obedient and then return to Paso to encourage us. His family are all English speakers and his English is about 40-50%. We have decided we are going to be teaching some in our community “English as a Second Language”.

We are looking forward to being in Woodinville, WA in October. We give God thanks for you all and make mention of you in our prayers! We rejoice that we will be able to be with our beloved brethren. Please continue to pray for the work of the Lord here in Paso Robles, CA.

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